We Care About Your Privacy
Our Privacy Policy outlines how we will collect, use and manage your personal information. Stormwater Shepherds Ltd (ABN 99 643 441 589) is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act and is compliant with the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. In relation to health records, Stormwater Shepherds Ltd is also bound by the NSW Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002.
We may, from time to time, review and update this Privacy Policy to take account of new laws and technology, changes to our operations and practices and to make sure it remains appropriate to the changing legal environment. Please check our website for the most recently updated privacy policy.
What kind of personal information do we collect, and how do we collect it?
The type of information we collect, and hold includes, but is not limited to, personal information, such as:
- your name, address, date of birth, occupation, telephone numbers, e-mail address
- bank, credit or debit account details when you make a kind donation
- information you provide to us when you participate in a campaign, promotional activity, survey, market research, subscribe to our mailing list, become a volunteer or a Friend of Stormwater Shepherds
- website usage information such as your IP address
- health information for events such as signing up to help in clean-ups (please refer to Sensitive Information)
We will generally collect personal information held about you by way of phone calls, forms, emails, meetings, event days etc.
How will we use the personal information you provide?
Stormwater Shepherds may use your personal information to:
- communicate with you about our programs, our campaigns, our promotions and to keep you informed
- reply to your communications with us, process donations, renew your Friends subscription, answer your queries
- send you requests to join us at local events or to join us with our webinars and podcasts
We will always obtain your consent to use sensitive information as the basis for any of our direct marketing.
Stormwater Shepherds Ltd also obtains personal information about our volunteers who assist us in our efforts or help us conduct associated activities, such as clean-ups and event days.
Marketing and fundraising:
We value marketing and seeking donations for our future growth and development.
We will use your personal information for direct marketing where you have provided that information, and we will always provide you with the option to opt-out. If we use your personal information obtained from elsewhere, we will still send you direct marketing information where you have consented, and which will also contain an opt-out.
Your personal information may be disclosed to an organisation that assists us in our future fundraising efforts.
Who might the Stormwater Shepherds Ltd disclose personal information to?
We may disclose personal information, including sensitive information, held about an individual:
- to relevant government departments, medical, health and safety authorities (as required)
- where the law requires us to do so
- our direct marketing, but giving you the opportunity to opt-out of such direct marketing
- to other organisations that you have been informed about, such Clean-up Australia
- with your consent (express or implied) to others
- anyone, you authorise Stormwater Shepherds Ltd to disclose information to
We will not disclose your personal information for any secondary purposes unless your consent has been given or as required by law, and we will not sell, offer or license any personal information that we collect from you.
How does the Stormwater Shepherds Ltd treat sensitive information?
In referring to ‘sensitive information’, we mean:
“information relating to a person’s health information about an individual”.
Sensitive information will be used and disclosed only for the purpose for which it was provided or a directly related secondary purpose, unless you agree otherwise, or the use or disclosure of the sensitive information is allowed by law.
Management and Security of Personal Information
The team at Stormwater Shepherds will respect your confidentiality of personal information and your privacy.
We have procedures and technology in place to safeguard and secure the personal information we collect.
In the unlikely case, that a substantial data breach has or may have occurred (for example, your personal information was shared with unauthorised persons), we will notify you as soon as is practicable.
Using our Website and Cookies
When you visit our website or use an application on our website, we may record anonymous information such as an IP address, time, date, referring URL, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, type of browser and operating system.
We use “cookies”, which will allow us to maintain the continuity of your browsing session and remember your details when you return. If you disable cookies, our webpage may not function optimally, and you may be limited in the use of some of the features.
We may also use web beacons, Flash local stored objects and JavaScript.
Our website will contain links to or from other websites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites. Our privacy policy applies only to the information we collect on our website, and we encourage you to read the privacy policies of other websites you link to from our website.
Updating personal information
We will endeavour to ensure that your personal information we hold is accurate, complete and up to date. You may wish to update your personal information by contacting us at any time at
The Australian Privacy Principles and the Health Privacy Principles require us not to store personal information longer than necessary. In particular, the Health Privacy Principles impose certain obligations about the length of time health records must be stored.
As such, you have the right to check what personal information we hold about you.
Please Note: Under the Commonwealth Privacy Act and the Health Records Act, an individual has the right to obtain access to any personal information which Stormwater Shepherds holds about you and to advise us of any perceived inaccuracy. There are some exceptions to this right set out in the applicable legislation. To make a request to access any information Stormwater Shepherds Ltd holds about you, please contact us in writing.
We will require you to verify your identity and specify what information you require. We will not charge a fee for accessing your personal information or making a correction. However, we may charge a fee to retrieve and copy any material. If the information sought is extensive, we will advise the likely cost in advance.
How long will the Stormwater Shepherds Ltd keep my information?
Under our destruction and de-identification policies, your personal information that is no longer required will be de-identified or destroyed. In many circumstances, however, it will be kept for marketing purposes, as you will have consented to that in writing with us.
Inquiries and privacy questions
If you would like further information about the way we manage your personal information, or if you would like to update your personal information or have any concerns, complaints or you think there has been a breach of privacy, then please contact us at
If you are not satisfied with our response to your request for information or complaint within 30 days you can refer your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. Phone 1300 363 992 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday AEST / AEDT or go to