As they say, it takes a village and without the support of our volunteers, this journey would not be possible.
Whether it’s helping at a community fete, organising a clean-up or advocating for better stormwater regulations in your local shire, every bit counts.
Together, everything is possible. Join us on the path to a clean water future today.
Join us as a corporate partner – we have a range of content packages, event sponsorships and team building options. Stormwater Shepherds is Australia’s first and foremost stormwater charity.
Fancy some deep googling to help us find the latest research for blogs, newsletters and our knowledge-sharing website?
become a Zero Pollution Supporter
What pledge with you make towards a clean water future? Become a Stormwater Shepherds’ Zero Pollution Supporter and get the certificate to prove it!
Support a Stormwater Utility Charge
For less than a cup a coffee a week you can help stop plastic and urban pollution at the source to ensure we live in a clean water future.
Stormwater Utility Charge
Like a potable charge, our drinking water, a stormwater utility fee is a fair user-pays charge for private and commercial property’s impact on stormwater runoff. If and when adopted the charge will probably appear on our quarterly rates notices. The charge is commensurate to the cost of managing a property’s stormwater from its impervious surface.
Yes. Although it is at the discretion of individual councils and state governments across Australia. It is a fair and equitable way to share the cost of this vital public service.
Most German cities have adopted an imperviousness or hard surface charge – a fair polluter-pays fee. To increase water quality and decrease water quantity – flooding, nearly 3,000 councils in the USA and over 40 in Canada have embraced the charge to manage ever-ever-increasing prices for maintenance and capital works.
Currently, 80% of the pollution in our waterways comes from the land, with much of it collected and carried through our stormwater infrastructure. A small utility charge will enable councils to capture and maintain plastic, rubbish and urban road run-off pollution before it hits our precious lakes, rivers and oceans.
For less than a cup of coffee per week, you can help to save our planet and the imminent mass extinction of so many precious lifeforms.